2019.03.03. AKB48 SHOW! SKE48 - Stand by you 쥬리나 움짤 2019.03.03. AKB48 SHOW! SKE48 - Stand by you 쥬리나 움짤 Photo/Gif 2022.07.24
2018.12.08. CDTV SKE48 - Stand by you 쥬리나 움짤 2018.12.08. CDTV SKE48 - Stand by you 쥬리나 움짤 Photo/Gif 2022.06.22
2020.04.04. Uta-Tube SKE48 - Stand by you 2020.04.04. Uta-TubeSKE48 - Stand by you * 모바일로 영상이 재생이 되지 않을 때가 가끔 있습니다 그럴 때는 컴퓨터로 봐주세요*(If this video cannot be played on mobile, please play on computer) Video/TV 2020.04.05
2019.03.03. AKB48 SHOW! SKE48 - Stand by you 2019.03.03. AKB48 SHOW!SKE48 - Stand by you * 모바일 재생이 되지 않을 때가 가끔 있습니다그럴 때는 컴퓨터로 봐주세요*(If this video cannot be played on mobile, please play on computer) Video/TV 2019.03.04
2018.12.27. 프리미어 MelodiX ! 스페셜 2018 SKE48 - Stand by you Loading the player... 2018.12.27. 프리미어 MelodiX ! 스페셜 2018 SKE48 - Stand by you Video/TV 2018.12.28
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